St. Jude's Anglican Home

St. Jude's Anglican Home

Frequently Asked Questions

How are the charges set for government funded beds?

  • Answer: Vancouver Coastal Health Authority sets the rate at eighty percent after tax income based on the prior year’s tax return.

Can I bring in over the counter medications, vitamins or creams?

  • Answer: due to the pharmacy regulations of British Columbia, all medications and prescription creams must come through our pharmacy. Pharmacist and nurses monitor the effects and interactions of all such items so must have an accurate list for each resident

What are the visiting hours at St. Judes?

  • Answer: Like any home, visiting hours may be anytime. There are, however, times that are not ideal, such as meal time, as it may distract residents from eating, or during recreation programs, as the residents enjoy these. We understand that visitors from out of town may not know when meals are served or when programs are scheduled.

Have you changed the door codes again?

  • Answer: We do have to change the door codes on occasion to maintain building security.

Is the access code for the outside code the same as for the elevator?

  • Answer: The elevator door and the doors on and off of the three floors are not the same as the outside entrance door in order to increase building security.

Does someone who pays privately for their care and services at St. Jude’s get priority access on the government funded waitlist for St. Jude’s(the transfer list)?

  • Answer: No, their names are placed on the list according to the date when they are admitted to St. Jude’s.

Why are there courier charges on my relative’s trust account statement?

  • Answer: A courier is required for lab testing services that have been ordered by the physician.